Green Technology
While green technology has been around for decades, it is becoming more popular as global warming becomes more urgent. Green tech is a broad range of technologies that help the environment, including electric cars and wind power. Green tech is a solution to current environmental problems such as global warming and greenhouse gases.
Due to its multidisciplinary nature, green tech raises a number of issues at the intersection of science, commercialization, and IP law. Leveraging our knowledge and experience in many different technical disciplines, STIP professionals use an integrated team approach to providing legal advice, often combining experience in the mechanical, electrical, chemical, and biotechnological arts to help you to transform breakthrough ideas into successful companies.
Some of the technology areas we are handling include:
- Alternative energy including biofuel, geothermal, solar, and wind
- Carbon capture
- Eco-friendly farming
- Electric cars
- Hydrogen technology
- Fuel cells
- Secondary batteries and energy storage system (ESS)
- Solar cells
- Renewable energy
- Water and waste management